...ingatkan Jake Foley je ada version 2.0, rupa2nya messageboard kita pun ada version 2.0 jugak
Welcome to the new Scolobuonline' message board. Kepada yang tak tahu, host message board kita yang lama tu dah tutup kedai. They won't be offering free message boards anymore...users who pay for the service pon akan diterminatekan subscription...memang bungkus dalam erti kata sebenar la
Tapi tu tak menghalang kita untuk terus berhubung secara maya. Saya baru set up message board baru ni, the host is Sparklit <http://www.sparklit.com> Lagi banyak features yang ada...take your time to be familiarized with it!
One of the cool feature offered by our new message board is that you can create your own profile. Once you've completed your profile, it will be visible whenever you log in and make a post. the profile info displayed depends on your desired configuration (i.e. hide / show email address)
If you're uncomfortable letting other people know who you are whenever you post (budak2 labu ni kan pemalu dan pendiam sket...), you can always post a message anonymously without having to create a profile.
gud job to all teaM yg mengeratkan silaturahhim bebudak batch kite.. hureyyy..!!! rindu gak kat korang sumer.. hahah... tak lame nak grad dah.. dah ade yg grad pun.. dan dah ade yg kahwin... bile lahh aku nak kawin.. hoho... Gud Job .. bravo!~!