hohoh, adi kalau berani tunggu next starcraft kuar, kite berentap!
but then again, sampai skang takdek cerita next installment starcraft woh. aku tetap yakin punya after WoW dah stable baik punya, blizzard confirm akan move on to the next project. should be Starcraft then >.<
So in the mean time, main DotA la dulu nampaknya. 24 sampai 26 Mac nih UTP ada buat pertandingan Counter Strike, Warcraft (dota) dan FIFA. Kalau rajin nak tgk, mai la.. Aku masuk ngan clan main dota.. Wahahahahah!!
You laugh at me because I AM DIFFERENT.. But I laugh at you because YOU ARE ALL THE SAME!!
(Genjo Sanzo - Gensomaden Saiyuki)