Note: this was taken from a mailing list: very2 important and worth acting upon
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah
if i'm not mistaken, one of the points stated in the khutbah last week here in Sheffield (not the one yesterday) is that amid the recent bombings we shouldnt forget about the worse opression that has been happening to our brothers and sisters all around the globe.
straight to the point, this is an introduction email for a series of weekly/fortnightly emails introducing brands closely associated with israel for us to boycott. not agree with boycotting? i hope your disagreement will be answered by the Q&A further below. the idea of this campaign is to have ppl start boycotting from zero with AT LEAST weekly/fortnightly increment of a single brand rather than having this only in talks and not being done at all. each stated brand will be accompanied with alternative brands and the reasons to boycott i.e. details of their association with israel.
PLEASE DO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!! Very enormous is Allah's wrath upon those who do not practise what they say.
1. What can we do? 2. Any proof on your associating the companies with the occupation? 3. How about our needs for the products of those brands? 4. How can this little thing have any effect on anyone? 5. Is it compulsory for Muslims?
the israeli occupation, oppression, massacre on palestine land is now something even a lil kid aware of (at least superficially) but of course for us who can think well, knowing is just not enough. before you read on, and if you are a non-muslim or muslim please do continue reading till the end for this matter concern every one of us. while muslims view it as a religious matter, also it has always been an issue of human rights (well, unless you can find a single palestinian who yearns to have their lives intruded, be oppressed, killed and raped, and suffer countless number of other human rights abuse)
well, i'm not good in getting accross things and therefore let's move on in question-and-answer form. ---
Q. alright, now my eyes are wide open and aware of what's happening there. now what can we do for them (the palestinians)?
A. there are lots of things that we can do (pls refer the website the least we can do (and my purpose of writing this email) is to avoid buying goods that support israeli occupation. first we reduce their financial support in the way we are capable of, secondly we indirectly assert to the companies our disagreement on their having business on the occupied land n supporting the occupier. a more direct assertion like writing a letter is of course preferable. hmm.. simply put, a more straight forward word for the action is to BOYCOTT their goods. ---
Q. hey! how can you so carelessly accusing any of the companies supports the occupation
A. i'm not doing any accusation. each and every brand or company presented within this series of emails will have their portion of activity profile proving their association to israel. complete with reference. you'll have specific reasons to boycott every single brand. ---
Q. boycott??? coke?? mcD??? what do you expect us to eat and drink? do you want us to just leave behind and restrain ourselves from all our needs of life???
A. hey.. relax! to be precise all those are not really our needs but instead just desires. we can actually live without them but we are just used to consuming these goods. afterall we still have alternatives for the brand we boycott which will be introduced to you in the following series of emails. of course you can find your own alternatives. and yes, some of these alternatives are not as good as the 'bad' to-be-boycotted brands, but hey! just compare your little sacrifice with the lives you save... as an analogy, let's say you put one spoon of sugar in your cup of coffee every morning, would it make any difference to the taste if you take out one or two granule of sugar. what i'm trying to say here is (in case u still dont get it) that our boycotting effort are very small compared to what we enjoy right now, and to what has been ripped from the palestinians... their lives for example... ---
Q. ok, ok.. but isnt this just unrealistic? one can of coke costs u about 50p (rm1 in malaysia) most of that goes to the production cost, and the profit of regional part of the company (i.e. goes to malaysia regional bosses or any country's regional bosses according to your location). imagine how small the portion that goes to israel, us or whomever you plan to affect. does it really pay to follow your boycott campaign at all?? can your little granules of sugar save lives????
A. 0.1 pence x 10 mil = £10K. every little portion helps. dont just wait for others and let others wait for you! let us make this move together. furthernore, it is not only about the money. ---
Q. (for muslims) this all are just suggestions, arent they? i dont really have to follow boycotting these brands, do i?
A. let us first reset our niat only to obey Allah in this matter (and everything else) and only to do what's right. well, there are fatwas by renounced scholar of Islam ruling the boycott compulsory. so, simply put, you have to accept and follow this suggestion to boycott.
pls forgive me for my poor english lang. i hope u got what i meant to say.
ps: I once doubted about this boycot thing and stuff but after deep thinking and reading, I realize that it is worth implementing. Dont wait till everyone else wants to do it! Just do it and make a little (but actually big) effort of our own and insyaallah every action is judged by its niyyah.
Absolutely important NOT to buy US_Zionistic products; especially IF such products cost more than a few USDs. Counter-example:IF a RedChinese wants to taste Coke. Why not? But in general:BUY RedChinese electronics as I did.
Greetings to all Hindus, all Muslims and all Shiks!
Kalau gitu, patut semua takleh.. Microsoft kita boycott.. Pastu buat la final year research project tulih pakai tgn, pen ngan liquid paper, pakai kertas kajang instead of A4..? Study oversea pun patutnya takyah, kang apa yg kita research tuh, segala penemuan baru kita tuh deme pakai utk buat senjata hancurkan kita (senasib ngan Einstein)..
Huh.. Mcm2 lagi la takleh kalau gituh.. Baik dok gua jadi caveman je mcm tuh.. Tu la masalahnya org skrg.. Nak boikot, tapi takde tindakan susulan.. Tu bengong namanya.. Nak soh boikot KFC atau McD, come up la ngan jenis makanan yg sama kualiti atau lebih berkualiti dan lebih sedap dari McD dan KFC. Niagalah lebih hebat dari deme kalau nak soh boikot pun. Ni soh boikot bodo, tapi diri sendiri tak improve apa2, apa cerita??
Kalau aku? Aku makan je la tempat tuh. Takde keje nak boikot2 aih.. Sbb aku makan situ dlm keadaan menjalankan perniagaan secara HALAL dan SAH. Aku bayar, deme kasi apa barang yg aku nak beli. Part duit tuh nak masuk tabung Yahudi ke, YMCA ke, Zionis ke, Santa Clause ke, tuh pihak management syarikat punya cerita. Management yg tanggung.
Persoalannya, kenapa sekarang baru nak boikot2? Jawapan mudah, sebab kome yg kata Islam nih, perang ngan deme yg kapir tuh kalah manjang..!! Kenapa zaman nabi dulu tak boikot, walhal zaman tuh lagi la hebat perang? Sebab Islam menang manjang? Tapi awal2, time baru hijrah tuh, kenapa sahabat2 yg berniaga takde nak boikot2?
KFC dan McD tuh.. Siapa kata takde kepentingan? Apa status kedua2 restoran tuh? Kedua2nya adalah restoran fastfood kat Malaysia ygsedap dan paling murah kalau nak dibandingkan ngan fastfood restoran yg lelain. Kena plak dedua tuh memang well known dan memana bandar2 besar, pasti ada. Pernah mengajar budak? Bebudak skrg pun dah pandai apa..
"Ok, sesapa yg dpt score, saya akan belanja kamu makan kat warung kedai mamak sana tuh.."
"Apa punya koman la bang.. Tuh tempat org tua2 minum kopi je.. KFC atau McD la baru syok.."
Kalau cite pasal bab2 yahudi ngan boikot nih, deme faham ke? Tobat la nak paham. Yg deme tau main je.. So, benda2 tu la yg jadi motivation factor utk deme lagi berjaya. Maka apa salahnya memperalatkan syarikat2 yg dikatakan "zionis" tuh utk kepentingan diri dan bangsa sendiri?
Kenapa part duit kita dibagi kat Yahudi tuh kita sgt berkira? Sedangkan kengkadang dalam cukai2 yg kita bayor, ada la jugak kutu2 dalam kerajaan yg songlap duit kita utk kepentingan agama lain selain Islam (utk kat M'sia nih), kita tak kisah? Kita beli kete kat cina, cina pakai duit tuh utk berjudi kat Genting.. Kena plak kalau cina tuh jenis sapot Singapore, membantu perkembangan ketenteraan Singapore, tu lagi la.. Kenapa kita tak kisah? Yahudi gak yg kita nak kisah..
"Eh tu takpe sbb kita berniaga dgn sah. Part org tu nak pakai dan guna utk apa ngan duit yg kita beli tu, tu antara dia ngan Tuhan, kita tak terlibat.."
Aik? Yg ni bleh plak pikir mcm nih? Kenapa part KFC ngan McD takleh lak pikir mcm nih? Kita niaga sah, part duit nak ke yahudi tuh, tuh antara management dia ngan Tuhan laa.. Dah lah yg keje situ pun banyak budak Melayu lepasan SPM atau yg jenis malas nak sambung belajar. So? Kenapa tak suruh MEREKA tuh yg berhenti keje? Betul tak?
Kalau kurang staff, lagi la susah syarikat tuh nak jalan.. Betul tak? So, kenapa tak approach cara sabotaj management dia dengan berkempen utk suruh budak2 tuh berhenti keje dan cari keje lain? Kenapa tak suruh bebudak Islam yg keje tuh berhenti? Kenapa "boikot" jugak yg dipilih? Kalau betul2 nak lawan, lawan la bebetul.. Kita pun puas hati.. Cakap la "semua orang Islam sepatutnya tak perlu bekerja kat restoran2 itu utk kita boikot dan kasi syarikat2 tuh rugi, maka kerjalah di AYAMAS sbb AYAMAS tak sapot Yahudi".
So pada pandangan aku (dari sudut pemikiran aku), apa yg sesetengah org kata yg kononnya sbg satu "PERJUANGAN" utk boikot2 benda nih, pada aku, ia tak layak pun dikategorikan sbg perjuangan.. Selayaknya dikategorikan sbg ideologi SAMPAH. Kenapa? Sbb tak disertakan dengan strategi baik. Suruh buat, tapi tak counter attack dengan solution yg lebih baik.
Hey, sesapa yg dah keje sure tau la mcm mana.. Kalau setakat tau komplen je kat boss pasal masalah itu, masalah ini, tapi takde come up ngan apa2 solution yg lebih baik, maunya kena pelangkung je ngan boss tuh.. Tapi seorang yg hebat dan berstrategi, dia akan amek hati boss dan naikkan nama baiknya utk lebih maju dalam kariernya dengan cara komplen, besertakan solution yg bagus dgn strategi yg bijak..
So, kalau nak soh boikot? Boikot la dlm keadaan kita dah ada backup yg lebih baik. Nak boikot KFC, boikot dlm keadaan dah ada syarikat Islam yg cipta resipi ayam yg jauh lebih lazat dan hebat dari KFC. Baru org pun ok je.. Tapi kalau setakat ikut2 bodo je, tuh bengong namanya..
Tau kenapa dalam rukun Islam, 2 kalimah syahadah tuh diletakkan 1st? Supaya kepercayaan kita pada Tuhan ialah yg pure dan bukan ikut org sembah.. Falsafah pasal nih (you don't just follow like blind pig, you believe and prove it by your own heart) adalah yg paling basic dlm Islam, tapi kenapa tak implement?
So, aku punya stand ialah, persetankan la bab boikot2 tuh.. Selagi org Islam tak create ayam atau burger yg leh surpass KFC dan McD, selagi ada lagi budak Islam yg keje kat situ, aku makan je sana.. Kerana yg penting ialah bukannya apa yg kita boleh buat utk hancurkan musuh, tapi apa yg kita leh improve utk jauh melebihi kehebatan musuh..[color]
Kalau kita asyik pikir cara nak hancurkan musuh, kita akan lupa nak perbaiki kelemahan diri. Tapi kalau kita fokus utk cara memperbaiki diri, secara pastinya kehebatan kita bertambah, dan kehebatan musuh makin tenggelam.. Fikirkanlah bab nih dulu sblm ikut buta2 je cakap org..
Sekadar pandangan..
You laugh at me because I AM DIFFERENT.. But I laugh at you because YOU ARE ALL THE SAME!!
(Genjo Sanzo - Gensomaden Saiyuki)
saya sokong, dah lama dok pikir kalo kite ni keje memboikot je, susah hidup sebab nak harapkan produk yg betul2 pure muslim..tak leh hidup kite di zaman serba canggih ni.. setakat makanan okey lagi... yg lain2 tuh ape cerite? hmm..n to be fair, kalo nak boikot yahudi, kafir lain pn kene boikot gak..sbb yang tindas islam bkn yahudi je.. so, bile kite boikot semua, kite dok bwh tempurung..
Setuju ngan pendapat Adi. Cuma dlm kita rasa bengang dan berang duk org2 boikot ni, rsnya jgn diperkecilkan usaha org lain. Boycott tu pun bg aku salah satu USAHA. Allah tak tanya hasil, tapi apa yang ko dh buat utk Islam. Ulama pun dah ramai sepakat, termasuk Yusuf Qardhawi.
Teringat aku cerita masa Nabi Ibrahim nak dibakar dulu, ada sekor burung ni, kecik aje, tp bila dpt tau Nabi nak kene bakar, dia tolong jugak nak simbah air dgn paruhnya yang kecik tu. Nampak cikai je, tp tu pun satu usaha. Kalau ko tgk kat Europe, bukan sedikit org yg menyokong usaha ni, malah COca-Cola tu pun dah ade versi Muslim nyer..nama Mecca Cola and the aku lagi sedap, tp maybe aku bias kot sbb aku mmg anti-Coke dan konco-konconya. Begitu juga dgn fastfood restaurants, mmg byaklah, and lagi sedap. Aku rasa Muslims Msia mmg kene ke depan sikit kot, sbb kalau tgk Muslims kan negara2 lain byk dh advanced.
Aku rasa kalau org Palestin baca apa yg ko tulis ni, berasap jugak kepala diorg. Yelah, kita ni nak tolong Palestin perang sama2, tak berani dan takde kuderat, tu je lah usaha kecik yg kita boleh buat. Aku rasa drpd makan McD atau KFC yang tak berapa nak sihat makanan2 nya tu, lagi baik makan kat restoran2 org Islam. Murah pun murah. Kadang2 bukannya takde option, kita aje yg cari alasan sbb nak puaskan duit dan perut kita. Cerita hal budak2 Islam keje kat situ, tu bab lain. Aku malas nak tulis kat sini.
Kenapa dalam Islam jihad harta dan sedekah tu penting? Sbb bab nilah yang manusia kalah dan lemah. Bab duit sendiri, bab perut sendiri. Ni yang payah nak korban.
Bukan setakat McD or KFC aje, barang2 lain byk aje alternatives and options, kdg2 kita yang pandang sebelah mata.
Saya setuju dengan semua pendapat.. Semua pandangan ada kebenarannya..
Yg setuju dengan boikot ni mungkin pada pandangannya kita kena berusaha. Ya betul. Saya memang setuju sangat sbb kita kena berusaha utk tolong umat yg lain. Sebab selemah2 imah pun, kita cegah kemungkaran dengan hati. Dan at least tak dapat nak tolong secara fizikal utk pergi ke sana atau derma pada diorang, boikot je la usaha yg mampu kita buat.
Kepada yg kurang setuju dengan usaha boikot ni, itupun saya setuju juga. Sebab saya dah tgk website yg diberikan tu. Dan kebanyakan fatwa yg diberikan oleh ulamak2 Islam di situ adalah ulamak dari negara2 Arab sana. Dari Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar. Pada saya, mungkin org yg tak sokong boikot ni dia jenis tak kisah, sbb mufti kat negara Malaysia sendiri pun takde nak keluarkan fatwa pasal benda tu.
Jadi, secara totalnya, semua pandangan betul.. Takde yg salah.. Masing2 ada sebab dan pegangan masing2.. Yg sokong, ada sebabnya.. Dan yg tak sokong pun ada sebabnya.. Dan kedua2nya mempunyai sebab kukuh.
boikot tak boikot bukan isu besar.yang penting, try tanya kita sendiri
"apa usaha/sumbangan aku kat islam selama ni?"
kalau setakat dok yang jenih ni, satu cara jom join boikot.senang dan alternatif memajukan org islam jugak.ade produk islam adi.cuma,as u said, mende2 kfc,mcd ni dah tenggelam.kalau kat mesia, aku tak pasti.insya allah nnt balik aku survey dan aku promote besar2 punya bg lawan mcd segala macam. tp kalau kat tempat lua, usaha mmg kuat.bejalan dan nampak hasil.alhamdulillah..
jadinya..pk2kan apa yg kita boleh sumbang walau sekelumit cuma.